Title: Purush Aayog for Non-Resident Indians: Helpline Number in Delhi
Introduction: India has made significant strides in ensuring gender equality and women empowerment through various institutional mechanisms like women's cells, mahila ayog, mahila mandal, and national commission for women. However, men's issues are often neglected, and there is a need to establish an institution that focuses on men's issues. In this regard, a Purush Aayog is required to address the concerns of men and promote gender equality.
Purpose of Purush Aayog: The primary purpose of Purush Aayog is to safeguard the rights of men, promote gender equality, and ensure that men are not discriminated against in any form. The Aayog will work towards creating awareness about men's issues and provide a platform for men to voice their concerns.
Functions of Purush Aayog:
Advocacy and Awareness: The Aayog will undertake various advocacy and awareness-raising activities to highlight the challenges faced by men. It will organize seminars, workshops, and conferences to create awareness about men's issues and promote gender equality.
Policy Development: The Aayog will work towards developing policies that address men's issues, including the areas of health, education, employment, and social welfare.
Counseling and Support: The Aayog will provide counseling and support services to men who face issues related to family, marriage, divorce, and child custody. It will also provide legal assistance to men who are falsely accused of domestic violence and harassment.
Research and Data Collection: The Aayog will undertake research and data collection to understand the issues faced by men in different sectors of society. This data will be used to develop evidence-based policies and programs.
Advocacy for Men's Health: The Aayog will work towards advocating for men's health and well-being. It will focus on issues related to men's mental health, reproductive health, and other health-related issues.
Support for Male Victims of Domestic Violence: The Aayog will provide support to male victims of domestic violence, who are often neglected in the current system. It will work towards creating awareness about the issue and providing support services to male victims.
Addressing Issues of Paternity Fraud: The Aayog will work towards addressing the issue of paternity fraud, where men are falsely accused of fathering a child. It will create awareness about the issue and provide legal assistance to men who are victims of such fraud.
Promoting Men's Rights in Family Law: The Aayog will work towards promoting men's rights in family law. It will focus on issues related to child custody, visitation, and alimony. The Aayog will advocate for fair and equal treatment of men in family law matters.
Supporting Non-Resident Indian Men: The Aayog will provide support to non-resident Indian men who face issues related to family, marriage, and divorce. It will work towards creating awareness about the issues faced by non-resident Indian men and providing support services to them.
Addressing Issues of Male Suicide: The Aayog will work towards addressing the issue of male suicide, which is a major concern in India. It will create awareness about the issue and provide support services to men who are at risk of suicide.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the establishment of a Purush Aayog is essential to ensure gender equality and safeguard the rights of men. The Aayog will address the issues faced by men and provide a platform for them to voice their concerns. It will work towards creating awareness about men's issues and promoting gender equality. The Aayog will provide counseling and support services to men who face issues related to family, marriage, divorce,
Call:- 9873540498